Friday, January 30, 2009

Niche Jobsites...

Niche jobsites focus on a specific industry within a job market. Niche job sites can be very helpful for job seekers and employers.

Job Seekers will find job listings that may not be easy to find, and the job postings are targeted to a specific group of job seekers. With that the jobs tend to be more relevant to what that job seeker is looking for.

For the employer it allows them targeted to the group of job seekers they are interested in. This saves time when shuffling through resumes.

As a job seeker it makes sense to spend some of your job hunting time searching niche jobsites and as an employer you can save time and money with niche jobsites.

Good luck on your search!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Why do I need a good Resume?

How important is a resume??
Well I'm sure we would agree that most job seekers realize the importance of a resume. The question is how many of us really put in the effort of making it the best it can be? I know that when I was fresh out of college my resume was a mess. I was a great interviewer so if given the opportunity I would get the job, but I was rarely called in for a good opportunity. For me it was hard to realize that these employers didn't know anything about me and I need to express myself on paper. The thing was that I was very confident and a bit stubborn so I figured if they wanted me they would find me. Well soon enough figured out that with a good resume I was getting more interviews, and much better opportunities. If you are short on time or need help I highly recommend using a professional resume service. If you are a high level IT professional visit Don at Otherwise you can go to, or and do a search for "resume".Good luck with your resume and your job search...Jeff

PS: Please let us know if you have any favorite professional resume services...

Get yourself a new Resume and a new Start

Low on cash but want a great resume??
Get a great resume on a low budget!!If you have considered a professional resume service you probably have seen that it could cost you anywhere from $200-$400.So I know most of you job seekers are probably having a tough time allocating the money to a professional resume service. So what else can you do? Well here are some tips...1. Use sample resumes made specifically for your field. The best thing to do is go to Google and search for "Sales Resume" or "Sample Resume". You could get a good start at but you should definitely spend some time on other sites.2. Write a few drafts and then a final.3. Have few a few of your friends read the final draft and make corrections.Though I think it is important to get a professionals advice. This process is much more effective than winging it.Good luck on your resume writing...Jeff

PS: Please let us know if you have any good resume sample sites.

Finding a job in December

Hello Everybody!!This is the season to be jolly but not if you are looking for a job...or even hiring. The amount of people looking for jobs has dropped tremendously this month. It seems that nobody wants a new job in December. I guess I can't blame you the last thing on my mind lately has been work. If you are looking for a new job, now would be a good time to get your resume in order. The much anticipated new year will bring in a flurry of new jobs. Good luck in all your searches.

Please let us know if you had any luck finding a job in December!

Free Job posting sites

Free Job posting!
Now that craigslist is charging in some areas: here are some free job posting sites to consider.,, and Most free site are indexed on job search engines to drive traffic the listings on their own sites. Though the traffic of candidates many not be as great with some of the established site you can still fill your positions and the best part is it's free.Good luck with your Free Job postings!Jeff

Interesting Argument!

Interesting Argument! Harvard vs State School
Hello Everybody!This week over a excellent dinner with some family members, we somehow got into a discussion about the value of having a big school name on your resume. One side was saying it is about the person and the other was saying that the person with the better degree would have the upper hand. After my own analyzing I think that both sides are right. On one side I would say that it is all about the interview. The relationship between the interviewer and the interviewee. On the other side it makes sense that the person with the lesser degree may not even get a chance to interview. These days there are so many applicants for each job that if you do not have that quality degree you may never even be looked at. With that being said I think that may people would agree that having a good degree does not mean a having good candidate. My final conclusion is that if you can get yourself a great degree go for it "No harm done". If not, you may not get that interview right away but don't give up...they will have to give you a shot sooner or later. Also experience goes a long way...find what you like and be the best at will be a leader in your industry before you know it.Good luck with getting the job...Jeff
PS: Please let us know what you think about this discussion!